Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sleep Hygiene

I spent the day in the Oral-facial pain clinic and, among other things, learned about sleep hygiene from Dr. Mazzeo. He gave these tips to a patient who has trouble falling asleep on a couple nights each week. Since we live in a time where work is extremely portable (computers, phones, and the internet) our nightly routines can be busy and stressful and our bedrooms are used for much more than dressing and sleeping. Quality sleep is important because it allows our body to heal itself and recover from the stessors of our lives. Since we are creatures of habit, these tips make sense if we expect our body to calm down and sleep well when we go to bed.

Sleep Hygiene Information

1) Lie down to sleep only when you are sleepy.

2) Use your bed primarily for sleep. Do not read, watch TV, surf the internet, talk on the phone, drink, or eat in bed.

3) If you find yourself unable to fall asleep after 15-20 min, get up and go to another room, and then return to the bed when you are sleepy. Avoid thinking while in bed. The goal is to associate your bed with rest and falling asleep quickly.

4) Set your alarm and get up at the same time regularly regardless of the amount of sleep you got during the night. Try to get the same number of hours of sleep each night and arise at the same time each morning. This will help your body acquire a consistent rhythm.

5) DO NOT...
a. Nap during the day.
b. Routinely use products (caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or stimulant drugs {decongestants}) that interfere with sleep in the evening.
c. Exercise or engage in exciting or emotionally upsetting activities close to bedtime.

6) Try to make the bedroom a quiet, comfortable, and secure place.

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